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  Our Prices are the lowest in the Area.   

                                               Soooon!!! New sizes available, still at great prices!!!

See for yourselves:

Price per Month
(1 month minimum; No Ties)
(Long x larg. x H)
Room correspondence
5 m3 (2 m2)
6 pieds
45 € TTC
no fees or charges
1.6 x 1 x 2.26 Cellar - 10 m²
10 m3 (4 m2)
8 pieds
65 € TTC
no fees or charges
3.2 x 2 x 2.26 T1 - 20-30 m²
12 m3 (5 m2)
9 pieds
100 € TTC
no fees or charges
2.8 x 2.2 x 2.4 T2 - 30 - 45 m²
15 m3 (8 m2) 85 € TTC (Box)
no fees or charges
15 m3 (8 m2)
10 pieds
115 € TTC (Container)
no fees or charges
3 x 2.4 x 2.9 T3 - 50-70 m²
25 m3 (12 m2) 125 € TTC
no fees or charges
33 m3 (15 m2)
20 pieds
140 € TTC
no fees or charges
6 x 2.5 x 2.6 T4 - 100 m²

Students: think about co-renting your storage Box!

Allo Box Location
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